Monday, July 1, 2013

Reunion Countdown–June 5

Dear Family,

It's time once again for the OFFICIAL COUNTDOWN to the Romney Reunion:  Only 30 DAYS LEFT!!  That's right - the reunion begins exactly one month from today!!  We can't wait!

Just a few quick things:

This year,by popular demand, the Auction will be back!  Please bring 3 quality items or less per family for our Awesome Family Auction!

We are so excited that so many of the family will be able to make it to this reunion.  We would LOVE to get a big group picture of the whole family together.  We thought it would be fun if each one of the five original families could be in a specific color for the family picture, to kind of designate which family they belong to.  Here is what color shirt (collared, button-up, tee, doesn't matter what kind or how nice it is) we'd like your family to wear if possible:

Strattons: Blue

Romneys: Green

Jacksons: White

Farnsworths: Red

Garvins: Black

Also, we are all thrilled to get to have Grandma Romney at the reunion. Feel free to take a moment during the reunion to snap a picture of Grandma with each of your own children for a priceless memory!  We just did this (the Garvins) while we had Grandma with us at Tauna's wedding in March, and it is really neat to have.

We will be sending out a detailed schedule next week.  We have got some super fun things planned and are going to have SO much fun!

Please let me know if you have any questions!



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